The shoulder joint is the mobile joint in the body that is responsible for the arm and scapula (shoulder blade) movement. It is the junction connecting the chest and the upper extremity. joint pain specialist in Hyderabad
There are two joints at the shoulder –
The glenohumeral joint is the ball and socket junction at the arm bone and shoulder blade socket.
The acromioclavicular joint is the junction of the collarbone and shoulder blade. Most of the shoulder movement occurs at the glenohumeral joint. However, for the full movement, the acromioclavicular joint should also function. joint pain specialist in Hyderabad
Bones: The arm bone (humerus), the shoulder blade (scapula) and the collarbone (clavicle) are the three bones. The scapula forms a socket for the ball and socket joint, and that part of the scapula is glenoid. Smooth cartilage covers it. The humerus (rounded top of the arm bone) contacts the shoulder blade at the glenohumeral joint. The other part of the shoulder blade (acromion) contacts the collarbone at the acromioclavicular joint.
The rotator cuff: It is a group of four muscles and tendons surrounding the glenohumeral joint. The tendons attach the muscle and bone, and the muscles contract to move the bones. The rotator cuff muscles aid movement of ball and socket shoulder joint.
The shoulder capsule: It surrounds the ball and socket part, and separates the joint from the remaining part of the body. It contains the joint fluid, and ligaments make up the joint capsule. Ligaments kee[p the shoulder joint in position.
The shoulder labrum: It is the rim of cartilage surrounding the socket of the shoulder joint. The socket is shallow, and the labrum gives more depth to the socket. It also serves as an attachment of the major tendon, the biceps tendon in the shoulder.
Muscles: There are almost four to 17 muscles at the shoulder joint. One of the essential muscle groups is periscapular muscles that control the shoulder blade movements and they are essential for normal shoulder functioning.